I am trying to estimate the impact of directors' remuneration on firm performance. My unbalanced data set comprises 1696 firms (spread across 68 industries) and 16 time periods (in particular, years). I have 7 independent variables in total. I am using industry fixed effects (by including industry dummies) regression along with time dummies. Since my model suffers from heteroskedasticity and auto-correlation, I want to calculate clustered standard errors. Below is my model.
reg Profitability4 Size2 Leverage1 CurrentRatio SalesGro CapitalExpenditure2 WPromoterSharesin1 AD_Totalremuneration i.Year i.NICCodeFirst2Digits, vce(cluster CompanyID)
P.S.: Each company belongs to a particular industry and this does not change across time. For instance, a company called Biocon belongs to Pharmaceutical industry and remains in this industry throughout the time period.
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