I am trying to create a (Latex) table in which I compare the means of two different subsamples. I want to show the two sample means, the difference (ideally also stars on this indicating significance from a t-test), as well as the Cohen's d effect size. The first three columns I can create quite easily following general estout/esttab syntax. However I don't know how to add another column that includes the Cohen's d statistics. Is there a manual way to add this? Any help would be highly appreciated.
*code generating first three columns eststo matching_bal: estpost ttest var1 var2 var3 if sample==1, by(realized) esttab matching_bal using 200612_sum_table_matching.tex, cells("mu_1(fmt(a2) label(Mean)) mu_2(fmt(a2) label(Mean)) b(par fmt(a2) label(Diff))") tex replace label nonumber *calculating cohens d statistics esize twosample var1 if sample==1, by(realized) cohensd esize twosample var2 if sample==1, by(realized) cohensd esize twosample var3 if sample==1, by(realized) cohensd
Thanks so much. Here's some example data, if it's helpful:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float var1 int var2 byte var3 float realized 7.784057 1903 1 0 8.77137 1975 1 1 5.602119 1996 1 1 5.484797 1990 1 0 8.464214 1989 1 1 7.809947 1904 1 0 7.405496 1992 1 1 7.766417 1984 1 0 1.3862944 2001 0 0 1.3862944 1985 0 1 7.794823 1983 1 1 6.728629 1962 1 0 6.699501 1985 1 0 6.701961 1987 1 1 6.059123 1982 1 0 6.419995 1993 1 1 4.1271343 1983 0 1 4.1431346 1999 0 0 6.261492 1978 1 1 6.826545 1984 1 0 8.172165 1991 1 0 8.557759 1987 1 1 7.784057 1903 1 0 8.77137 1975 1 1 6.736967 1992 1 0 7.30317 1987 1 1 9.484101 1992 0 1 9.096724 1977 0 0 6.996682 1983 1 0 6.820016 1996 1 1 8.464214 1989 1 0 7.809947 1904 1 1 7.496098 1988 1 0 7.573531 1967 1 1 9.096724 1977 1 0 9.484101 1992 1 1 8.528331 1987 1 0 8.561593 1987 1 1 9.01018 1977 1 0 8.676416 1964 1 1 7.239215 1993 1 1 6.84375 1976 1 0 7.311218 1986 1 1 7.285507 1987 1 0 7.987185 1964 1 1 8.6174 1972 1 0 8.111328 1989 1 1 8.438582 1987 1 0 8.676416 1964 1 0 9.01018 1977 1 1 8.568076 1977 1 1 9.01018 1977 1 0 9.105758 1992 1 1 9.027259 1974 1 0 9.01018 1977 1 1 8.676416 1964 1 0 6.628041 1989 0 0 5.918894 1965 0 1 5.347107 1977 0 0 5.676754 1993 0 1 9.027259 1974 1 0 9.105758 1992 1 1 7.952263 1991 1 0 7.573531 1967 1 1 9.484101 1992 1 1 9.096724 1977 1 0 6.475433 1996 1 1 6.476973 1996 1 0 4.624973 1987 1 1 4.406719 1994 1 0 7.794823 1983 1 1 6.728629 1962 1 0 7.38709 1994 1 0 7.203405 1993 1 1 8.172165 1991 0 0 8.557759 1987 0 1 8.541105 1977 1 1 8.574518 1980 1 0 5.308268 1993 1 1 4.983607 1976 1 0 9.01018 1977 1 0 8.568076 1977 1 1 6.161207 1986 1 1 5.932245 1995 1 0 5.726848 1972 0 0 5.332719 1987 1 1 9.096724 1977 1 0 9.484101 1992 1 1 9.813508 1945 1 1 8.676416 1964 1 0 4.1271343 1983 1 1 4.1431346 1999 1 0 7.30586 1996 1 1 7.190676 1991 1 0 8.33663 1987 1 1 7.900637 1974 1 0 9.096724 1977 1 0 9.484101 1992 1 1 7.118016 1987 0 0 6.892642 1994 0 1 end
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