Hi all,

My Code:

scatter aux1hm aux1dm, leg(off) || line lochd0m locd0m, leg(off) lpattern(solid dash dash) lcolor(black black black) /*
*/ || line lochd1m locd1m, lpattern(solid dash dash) lcolor(black black black) xline(0) ylabel(-0.0(0.2)0.8) xlabel(-0.9(0.1)0.9) leg(off) title("Males `agelow'-`agehigh'") note(bandwidth:`bw')
gr export graphs/males`agelow'`agehigh'_hsllr`race'3.png, replace

Does anyone know why it is congregating all the info really tight up front? I just want the graph to show from -.9 to .9. Thanks so much!