* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(idc distp_cutoff4 age) 301 . 35 301 .8122066 21 301 .8122066 29 301 .8122066 33 301 .8122066 13 301 .8122066 31 301 .8122066 17 302 . 33 302 .6412213 17 302 .6412213 27 302 .6412213 31 302 .6412213 13 302 .6412213 29 401 . 36 401 . 30 401 -.09761905 16 401 -.09761905 32 401 -.09761905 34 4301 -.59052795 20 4301 -.59052795 12 4301 -.59052795 34 4301 -.59052795 16 4301 -.59052795 32 4301 -.59052795 28 4301 -.59052795 30 4302 . 27 4302 . 23 4302 .029911134 17 4302 .029911134 21 4302 .029911134 25 4302 .029911134 13 5701 .30498785 17 5701 .30498785 35 5701 .30498785 31 5701 .30498785 13 5701 .30498785 37 5701 .30498785 21 5701 .30498785 33 6201 . 16 6201 . 20 6201 . 14 6201 .751409 12 6201 .751409 18 8601 . 33 8601 -.3388582 21 8601 -.3388582 17 8601 -.3388582 35 8601 -.3388582 37 8601 -.3388582 39 8601 -.3388582 13 9601 -.21130952 20 9601 -.21130952 32 9601 -.21130952 36 9601 -.21130952 16 9601 -.21130952 12 9601 -.21130952 34 9601 -.21130952 30 9602 1.682412 16 9602 1.682412 12 9602 1.682412 28 9602 1.682412 26 9602 1.682412 24 9602 1.682412 20 9602 1.682412 30 9801 -.08328358 21 9801 -.08328358 27 9801 -.08328358 29 9801 -.08328358 13 9801 -.08328358 25 9801 -.08328358 23 9801 -.08328358 17 10001 . 27 10001 .5319467 21 10001 .5319467 25 10001 .5319467 31 10001 .5319467 13 10001 .5319467 29 15702 . 27 15702 . 23 15702 . 29 15702 . 25 15702 -.8403576 21 22101 -.8251565 16 22101 -.8251565 24 22101 -.8251565 30 22101 -.8251565 12 22101 -.8251565 26 22101 -.8251565 28 22101 -.8251565 20 22102 -.7766201 21 22102 -.7766201 23 22102 -.7766201 25 22102 -.7766201 29 22102 -.7766201 13 22102 -.7766201 27 22102 -.7766201 17 22103 -.55437726 13 22103 -.55437726 23 22103 -.55437726 27 22103 -.55437726 17 end
bys idc: carryforward distp_cutoff4, replace
Using the above code, I am trying to get my distp_cutoff4 variable to carryover for all observations with the same id. However, it keeps leaving one or two out per id. Can you help?
Thanks so much!
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