I have problems with creating a loop on two dependent variables for my bond prices. For each bond I have two daily changing variables. On the one hand, I do have the sums of the daily returns and on the other hand I have the amount of trading days, the bond is already active.
My goal is to create a new variable for each bond which divides the trading days through the daily returns in every column.
How can I do that through a loop ?
For example,
bond x bond y
sum daily returns | trading days | sum daily returns/trading days | sum daily returns | trading days | sum daily returns/trading days | |
0,025 | 501 | 0,025 / 501 | 0,001 | 651 | 0,001 / 651 | |
0,05 | 502 | 0,05 / 502 | 0,002 | 652 | 0,002 / 652 |
For sure, the amount of columns is not just two, its many thousands..
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards
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