I am trying to assess if the loadings on a latent construct are similar for different ethnic groups. I know that this can be done with SEM and invariance tests.
However, I read in a paper (citation 1 below) that estimating an exploratory factor analysis and subsequently estimating Tuckers Phi might be an alternative way to go about this.
This paper seems to suggest the same: Lorenzo-Seva, U., & Ten Berge, J. M. (2006). Tucker's congruence coefficient as a meaningful index of factor similarity. Methodology, 2(2), 57-64.
Does anybody know or have any good resources for me on how to implement this in stata?
grateful for any tipps!
Refrence one:Froehlich, L., Martiny, S. E., Deaux, K., Goetz, T., & Mok, S. Y. (2016). Being smart or getting smarter: Implicit theory of intelligence moderates stereotype threat and stereotype lift effects. British Journal of Social Psychology, 55(3), 564-587. (mentioned on page 569)
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