Hi Stata users,

I was wondering if someone can help with ideas in graphing a bar with options -over- and -by-, to obtain the same estimates as given when -over- and -over- is used. See example below:

webuse auto, clear

gr bar, over(rep78) over(foreign) blabel(bar, format(%2.1f) size(vsmall)) name(over, replace)

gr bar, over(rep78) by(foreign) blabel(bar, format(%2.1f) size(vsmall)) name(by_, replace)
The two examples give different percentages for each level of repair record 1978 i.e., the rep78 variable.

In my problem, I want to use the second option (over and by) but want the percentages to be same as would be obtained if the first option (over and over) is used.

Thank you in anticipation of any tip(s)