I am trying to create spatial lag variable manually using spgenerate command. I first create my spatial weight matrix and the use that to multiply the variable I want to spatially lag. Below is my code:
**xtset the data. xtset ID YEAR save mypanel, replace **Spset data use mypanel spset ID, coord(lon lat) **Set the coordinate units, if necessary spset, modify coordsys(latlong) spset, modify coordsys(latlong, miles) **Save the data save, replace ***Create inverse distance weight matrix W for point locations within 0.5miles radius spmatrix create idistance W if YEAR == 2009, vtruncate(2) normalize(row) spmatrix summarize W Weighting matrix W --------------------------------------- Type | idistance Normalization | row Dimension | 2105 x 2105 Elements | minimum | 0 minimum > 0 | .0572685 mean | .0003566 max | 1 ---------------------------------------
spgenerate Wfee = W*fee
_IDs in weighting matrix W do not match _IDs in estimation sample There are places in W not in estimation sample and places in estimation sample not in W05.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you.
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