Dear Statalisters,

I am employing a partial linear regression model (plreg) in a cross-sectional context in Stata 15.1. The plreg command is a user-written command by Michael Lokshin (Difference-based semiparametric estimation of partial linear regression models, The Stata Journal 6(3), p.377-383, 2006) and is available at SSC archive. The issue that I am facing is that the after running for several minutes, I get the error “characteristic contents too long. The maximum value of the contents is 67,784". This is most likely a consequence of the fact that I am employing cluster fixed effects in my analysis. I understand that this issue can be taken care of by using areg/reghdfe for linear or panel regressions, or by splitting the dataset in case of reshape command. However, both these options are not feasible in my case.

Any suggestions for a way out of this problem?

Thanks in anticipation.
