I am currently having problems with how to efficiently store test results that I obtain from running several -signtest- in Stata. I have experience with Stata, but I have never had the need for exporting test results. The version of Stata that I am currently using is "Stata/IC 16.0".
My data set consists of the following:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str19 Release byte EventNUMB str8 Signofrelease double(CAR_pre CAR_5 CAR_10 CAR_15 CAR_20 CAR_30 CAR_40 CAR_50)
"CapacityUtilization" 1 "NEGATIVE"  8.88178419700125e-16  25.7801627102792  26.2141819549185  28.2039555278995  28.6372483220213  18.5953726142309  29.5859370519189  37.4585052988942
"CapacityUtilization" 2 "NEGATIVE" -2.22044604925031e-15 -1.04079925220558 -4.28132813232914 -3.63638515716993  -2.6038095558448 -8.30703645418472 -6.24381568811616 -23.9891305449132
"CapacityUtilization" 3 "NEGATIVE"  6.66133814775094e-16 -2.65366528265895 -4.36566142151558 -7.23331867708183 -4.70864235230455  -12.755427685556 -3.85555153196826 -14.9811533082037
"CapacityUtilization" 4 "NEGATIVE" -1.99840144432528e-15  7.41804157605855  14.0264516199066  14.1076304153014   13.463567176098  19.4264414460729  15.2380828220211  8.86889395437376
"CapacityUtilization" 5 "NEGATIVE"                     0 -1.82435791811824  1.06106245029394  3.40005812231985  4.28393211741757  1.32367748840627  8.09105756268053  10.2210730518155
"CapacityUtilization" 6 "NEGATIVE"  3.88578058618805e-16 -1.01090049230272  .949255476101659  .571375763893903 -2.27221019352017 -4.38876256991584 -6.08029497472296 -12.8349905969356
"CapacityUtilization" 1 "POSITIVE" -6.66133814775094e-16  4.20465796985533  5.19381440844124  9.15066015174141  6.43006732682823  7.66626517582839  1.47767582462599  2.71321220290296
"CapacityUtilization" 2 "POSITIVE"  -4.9960036108132e-16 .0755753462087596   1.8158500117077  .832117653148575 -.151661080167916 -6.88839989057037 -5.44977693347715  12.3232966116314
"CapacityUtilization" 3 "POSITIVE"  3.19189119579733e-16  9.19461483570324  9.27191221032908  13.5187718413314    12.90126289294  11.6661001526367  11.1257437219292  .154546349323177
"CapacityUtilization" 4 "POSITIVE"  2.22044604925031e-16  8.36087996481432  11.8923040180076  10.0124034977571  3.55530337991695  15.6529621053953  23.8574305975403  21.7761323154019
"CapacityUtilization" 5 "POSITIVE" -5.55111512312578e-16  4.36955464024505  4.81479980564072  5.17198560150401  7.02597134257209  12.6252238865701   9.7310503857545  17.0008424971063
I wish to apply the -signtest- to test the following hypotheses: H_0: CAR_pre=CAR_5; H_0: CAR_pre=CAR_10; ...; CAR_pre = CAR_50 and present the (r(N tie)) (r(N neg)) (r(N pos)) (r(p 2)) (r(p neg)) (r(p pos)) values (i.e. all scalars that the -signtest- provides) in a table that I subsequently can export to an excel file or other alternatives.

My current approach have been to use the -postfile- function, running the following command:
tempname memhold
tempfile results
postfile `memhold' str10 name No N_neg N_pos pval_two pval_one_neg pval_one_pos using `results'
foreach var of varlist CAR_5 CAR_10 CAR_15 CAR_20 CAR_30 CAR_40 CAR_50 {
signtest CAR_pre = `var'
post `memhold' ("`var'") (r(N tie)) (r(N neg)) (r(N pos)) (r(p 2)) (r(p neg)) (r(p pos))
postclose `memhold'
use `results', clear
However, when I run the command above I only obtain missing values ("."). (Please see below). I tried to 'detect' the reason for these measing values. I think that the problem occurs because the scalars not are not saved when I run the -signtest- (I tried to also run the commando -display r(N tie)- after having run the test, say,
signtest CAR_pre=CAR_5
and I obtain ".").
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str10 name float(No N_neg N_pos pval_two pval_one_neg pval_one_pos)
"CAR_5"  . . . . . .
"CAR_10" . . . . . .
"CAR_15" . . . . . .
"CAR_20" . . . . . .
"CAR_30" . . . . . .
"CAR_40" . . . . . .
"CAR_50" . . . . . .

As far as I am concerned, the -signtest- should provide the following scalars: r(N tie) (r(N neg) (r(N pos) (r(p 2) (r(p neg) (r(p pos).
Ideally, I would want a loop where I could do the
by Signofrelease, sort : signtest CAR_pre = var'
instead of
signtest CAR_pre = `var'
. This would save me form having to run this loop for each value of the Signofrelease variable, separately. However, this is not my main concern. I would be grateful if anyone could help be pointing out my mistake and if possible help me finding an efficient code to store the test results.
Thank you in advance,
Kind regards