Dear Users, I want to draw a point map with locations of firms by coordinates displaying Alaska and Hawaii next to contiguous United States following a previous discussions by Scott Merryman and others here. The location points of the two firms in Alaska do not move with Alaska. How can I make the two locations in the North West corner move with Alaska?


input _X _Y

-86.82805 33.527872 
-86.260844 32.331872 
-149.7621 61.1919 
-147.56838 64.81859 
-112.08791 33.494514 
-114.08271 35.285985 
-92.294471 34.766541 


save location, replace

copy, replace
unzipfile, replace
shp2dta using  cb_2015_us_state_500k, data("us_data")  coor("us_coordinates") genid(id) gencentroids(c) replace

use us_data, clear
quietly destring STATEFP, generate(fips)
drop if fips > 56

save usstates,replace

l fips id  if fips == 2 | fips == 15

use us_coordinates,clear

gen order = _n

drop if _X < -165 & _X != . &  _ID == 50
replace _X = _X  + 55  if  _X != .  &  _ID == 50
replace _Y = _Y  + 4  if _Y != .  &  _ID == 50
replace _X = _X*.4  -55 if  _X !=  . &  _ID == 15
replace _Y = _Y*.4  + 1 if _Y != .  & _ID == 15
drop if _X > -10 & _X != . & _ID == 15
sort order 
sort _ID
drop order
save us_coordinates2,replace

use usstates,clear

spmap using us_coordinates2  , id(id) point(data("location.dta") x(_X) y(_Y) shape(triangle) size(*1.0) fcolor(lime) ocolor(white) osize(vvthin))