
I would need some help in creating bar charts that look like this:


This is what my dataset looks like:

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str50 Economy str3 ISO3 str50 Region str19 IncomeGroup str17 DevelopingGroup byte F double Adultswithanaccount2021 float account_pc
"Afghanistan"            "AFG" "South Asia"                                         "Low income"          "Developing"        10 .09653821587562561  9.653822
"Albania"                "ALB" "Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)"      "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .4417417347431183  44.17418
"Algeria"                "DZA" "Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income)" "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .4409702122211456  44.09702
"Argentina"              "ARG" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .7162708640098572  71.62708
"Armenia"                "ARM" "Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)"      "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .5534773468971252  55.34774
"Australia"              "AUS" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10   .993231475353241  99.32315
"Austria"                "AUT" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .9995071887969971  99.95072
"Bangladesh"             "BGD" "South Asia"                                         "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .5280606746673584  52.80607
"Belgium"                "BEL" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .9900569915771484   99.0057
"Benin"                  "BEN" "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"         "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10   .486055314540863  48.60553
"Bolivia"                "BOL" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10   .688854455947876 68.885445
"Bosnia and Herzegovina" "BIH" "Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)"      "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .7933789491653442   79.3379
"Brazil"                 "BRA" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .8403574824333191  84.03575
"Bulgaria"               "BGR" "Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)"      "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .8396652340888977  83.96652
"Burkina Faso"           "BFA" "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"         "Low income"          "Developing"        10  .3610853552818298 36.108536
"Cambodia"               "KHM" "East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)"        "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .3339499235153198 33.394993
"Cameroon"               "CMR" "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"         "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .5165481567382813  51.65482
"Canada"                 "CAN" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .9963461756706238  99.63462
"Chile"                  "CHL" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .8706206679344177  87.06207
"China"                  "CHN" "East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)"        "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .8870902061462402  88.70902
"Colombia"               "COL" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .5971590876579285  59.71591
"Congo, Rep."            "COG" "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"         "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .4714215695858002  47.14216
"Costa Rica"             "CRI" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .6848968863487244 68.489685
"Cote d'Ivoire"          "CIV" "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"         "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .5076228976249695  50.76229
"Croatia"                "HRV" "High income"                                        "High income"         ""                  10  .9180419445037842  91.80419
"Cyprus"                 "CYP" "High income"                                        "High income"         ""                  10  .9312990307807922  93.12991
"Czech Republic"         "CZE" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .9493670463562012  94.93671
"Denmark"                "DNK" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10                  1       100
"Dominican Republic"     "DOM" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .5129801034927368  51.29801
"Ecuador"                "ECU" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10   .641767144203186  64.17671
"Egypt, Arab Rep."       "EGY" "Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income)" "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .2744400501251221 27.444006
"El Salvador"            "SLV" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .3584535419940949 35.845356
"Estonia"                "EST" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10   .993765652179718  99.37656
"Finland"                "FIN" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .9953019022941589  99.53019
"France"                 "FRA" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .9924429655075073  99.24429
"Gabon"                  "GAB" "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"         "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .6608996987342834  66.08997
"Georgia"                "GEO" "Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)"      "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .7049868702888489  70.49869
"Germany"                "DEU" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10   .999765932559967  99.97659
"Ghana"                  "GHA" "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"         "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .6823039650917053   68.2304
"Greece"                 "GRC" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .9488410353660583   94.8841
"Guinea"                 "GIN" "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"         "Low income"          "Developing"        10  .3044033646583557 30.440336
"Honduras"               "HND" "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"  "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .3784970343112946 37.849705
"Hong Kong SAR, China"   "HKG" "High income"                                        "High income"         ""                  10  .9780124425888062  97.80125
"Hungary"                "HUN" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .8821879029273987  88.21879
"Iceland"                "ISL" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10                  1       100
"India"                  "IND" "South Asia"                                         "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10   .775291383266449  77.52914
"Indonesia"              "IDN" "East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)"        "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .5175532698631287  51.75533
"Iran, Islamic Rep."     "IRN" "Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income)" "Lower middle income" "Developing"        10  .8998467326164246  89.98467
"Iraq"                   "IRQ" "Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income)" "Upper middle income" "Developing"        10  .1856528222560883 18.565283
"Ireland"                "IRL" "High income"                                        "High income"         "High Income: OECD" 10  .9966340065002441   99.6634
I would like to create charts for the following countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia and not all of them. I tried the following codes but could only produce charts with all countries:

graph bar (mean) account_pc, over(Economy)
But it looked something like this:


Any idea how to create charts only for selected observations? Thanks!