
I am trying to match latitude and longitude coordinates from a survey with their associated UK parliamentary constituencies.

To do so, I am under the impression I need to use the packages, "shp2dta" and "geoinpoly".

I've obtained the constituency shapefile here:

I then went about converting it into a .dta format using shp2dta using the follwing command:
shp2dta using Westminster_Parliamentary_Constituencies__December_2017__Boundaries_UK.shp,
database(A) coordinates(COORD) genid(ID)
This in turn produces a coordinates file. However, this is where the problems start to arise. The coordinates given are generic (x,y) coordinates - they are not geographic coordinates per se. If you plot them in a twoway graph they will still produce what looks like a map of the UK, however they are not in (lat, long) format

This creates a promblem when I try to match my list of survey coordinates, with the UK parliamentary data. When I run the command which I hoped would work but obviously doesn't - i.e. the following:
geoinpoly lat long using coordinates
It reutrns the obvious error:
Y (latitude) must be between -90 and 90 in coordinates file
Is there something I'm missing? Or can anyone suggest a creative work around which might alleviate this problem?