I am using coefplot command to represent my results from different regressions.

reg nchild hhincome i.educ i.metro i.race i.citizen i.empstat uhrswork, robust
margins, at(hhincome=(0(100000)1000000)) post
estimates store OLS
xtreg nchild inctot inctot_sp fem_inc fem_spinc female i.educ i.metro i.race i.citizen i.empstat uhrswork, r fe
margins, at(inctot=(0(100000)1000000)) post
estimates store FE_male

xtreg nchild inctot inctot_sp fem_inc fem_spinc female i.educ i.metro i.race i.citizen i.empstat uhrswork, r fe

margins, at(fem_inc=(0(100000)1000000)) post
estimates store FE_female
coefplot OLS FE_male FE_female, ytitle(Number of Children) xtitle(Income in Dollars) at recast(line) lwidth(*2)
nchild represents the number of children in the family, hhincome-total household income, inctot - total personal income and fem_inc is an interaction variable between female(1 if female, 0 if male) and inctot. My problem is the last estimate. When I write just fem_inc in margins command it predicts the number of children in the family based on the coefficient on fem_inc. But the coefficient on fem_inc is the additional effect of being a female, so I need a sum of coefficients on inctot and fem_inc. Is there a way to do this. I am new to stata, I am working on a project for my econometrics class. Thank you.