Hi. I have a date variable named "date" in a string format. I converted it to the date format (variable "daily_date") with the code below. I am trying to create a variable that indicates the week number and the day of the week, i.e. Monday=1, Tuesday=2, Wednesday=3. However, my code below for generating the week number is generating the wrong week number. Any help in generating the week number and day of the week would be much appreicated.

input str9 date float(daily_date monthly_date weekly_date)

"1/1/2021"  22281 1 1
"1/10/2021" 22290 1 2
"1/10/2021" 22290 1 2

//converting string to the date format
gen daily_date = date(date , "MDY")
format daily_date %td

//gen week number
gen weekly_date = week(daily_date)