Here is test version of a package I wrote for myself but that may help people that want to use OECD international Inter-Country Input-Output (ICIO) tables. This package calculates trade in value added indicators such as those presented on the OECD website:
I made it as flexible as I could in order to add extra indicators to it.
It uses the from and unfortunately at this stage the user has to download the data first and to specify the path to the folder of the downloaded data location.
then, after installing it and compiling it, indicators can be calculated with a single line of code.
For instance, after having downloaded and extracted the package and downloaded the data:
clear all net install tiva2018, from("G:\develop\tiva\test15may2020\tiva2018-stata-package-master\tiva2018-stata-package-master") replace tiva2018_compile tiva2018 calc, indicator(OECD_EXGR_DVA) path("path/to/data") clear year(2011) cou(FRA)
Best regards,
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