
I would like to see if the regression coefficients are statistically different for a low income group vs a high income group, when looking at the reaction to different levels of cost sharing (insurance plans)

the ran_plan_groups are dummies for which insurance plan the participants belong to. pct50_income_person is a dummy as well assigning participants to the two income groups.

Is this the rigtig way to approach it? sureg was mentioned somewhere as well.

set seed 620549
local controls age baseline_fam_size good_health bad_health

quietly regress log_spending rand_plan_group2 rand_plan_group3 rand_plan_group4 rand_plan_group5 rand_plan_group6  `controls' demeaned_fam_start_month_site* demeaned_cal_year* if pct50_income_person ==0 
est sto model_low_income

quietly regress log_spending rand_plan_group2 rand_plan_group3 rand_plan_group4 rand_plan_group5 rand_plan_group6  `controls' demeaned_fam_start_month_site* demeaned_cal_year* if pct50_income_person ==1
est sto model_high_income

suest model_low_income model_high_income, cluster(ifamily)

I get the following results but im not sure how to interpret it.

                                                Number of obs     =     17,810

                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 2,973 clusters in ifamily)
                     |               Robust
                     |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
model_low_income_m~n |
    rand_plan_group2 |  -.8133025   .1192149    -6.82   0.000    -1.046959   -.5796456
    rand_plan_group3 |  -.6605734   .1177767    -5.61   0.000    -.8914115   -.4297352
    rand_plan_group4 |  -1.030376   .1515841    -6.80   0.000    -1.327476   -.7332768
    rand_plan_group5 |  -1.441263   .1193879   -12.07   0.000    -1.675259   -1.207267
    rand_plan_group6 |  -1.087224   .0926923   -11.73   0.000    -1.268898   -.9055505
model_low_income_l~r |
               _cons |   1.588036   .0199406    79.64   0.000     1.548953    1.627118

model_high_income_~n |
    rand_plan_group2 |   -.400343   .1259898    -3.18   0.001    -.6472784   -.1534076
    rand_plan_group3 |  -.2398797   .1964297    -1.22   0.222    -.6248748    .1451154
    rand_plan_group4 |  -.7494231   .1771273    -4.23   0.000    -1.096586     -.40226
    rand_plan_group5 |  -1.089795   .1532231    -7.11   0.000    -1.390107   -.7894836
    rand_plan_group6 |  -.6580158   .1334854    -4.93   0.000    -.9196423   -.3963892
model_high_income_~r |
               _cons |   1.078982   .0489945    22.02   0.000     .9829543    1.175009

Thank you !