Dear all,

I am analysing a survey in Stata and would need to get some means and regression coefficients.
​​​​​​​However, the only weights I have available are "post-stratification" and their computation described as follows:

- For each stratum, the design weight is equal to the inverse of the selection probability of a unit in that stratum (i.e. the ratio between the number of households to be selected in the stratum and its total population). This weight is further adjusted to account for imperfect coverage and corrected for non-response, as some of the selected families cannot be found at home or refuse to be interviewed.
- Weights are then calibrated to account for additional information coming from the panel units and from external surveys.
- Lastly, the final weights are modified to reproduce the same characteristics as the population with regard to sex, age group, geographical area and size of municipality of residence: this post-stratification uses a raking-ratio procedure to align weights to the population marginal distributions with respect to sex, age (4 classes), geographical area (3 classes) and municipality size (4 classes)

How can I specify such weights in my Stata analysis? Is there a simple way for me to obtain means and run a regression using these weights?

Best regards,

Sara Angheben