Hi STATA experts,

Please help out a novice!

I need to graphically display results of the segmented regression that estimates the effects of the major guideline (cdc guideline) on the rate of dose reduction for opioid medications over time (var15).var 15 is an indicator if a patient's dose was reduced.
I use monthly intervals.
trend0 variable Is capturing the trend prior to the guideline; postcdc-dummy reflecting the time prior or after the guideline; trend1- capturing trend following the guideline.

The code to estimate the guideline effect is: log var15 c.postcdc2 c.postcdc2#c.trend1 trend0 i.age_cat i.episode2 i.month,vce (cluster id)

I need to create a graph that would be very similar to classical depictions of the interrupted times series analyses (aka lines reflecting the trend before, intercept change, and lines reflecting the trend after the guideline). Any suggestions on how I can accomplish it would be immensely appreciated.