I am working with a cross-sectional data set for the years 2005 to 2015. I am trying to examine whether a change in tax legislation (loss carryforward rules) had an influence on investments in tangible fixed assets. Therefore, my first basic regression looks like this:
reg lnTFAS lnlcf lnSales lnAge lnEmployees i.year#c.lnlcf i.year, vce(robust) coeflegend noheader
After running the regression, I want to plot the point estimates of the interaction dummies using the coefplot command like this:
coefplot, keep(2006.year#c.lnlcf 2007.year#c.lnlcf 2008.year#c.lnlcf 2009.year#c.lnlcf 2010.year#c.lnlcf 2011.year#c.lnlcf 2012.year#c.lnlcf 2013.year#c.lnlcf 2014.year#c.lnlcf 2015.year#c.lnlcf) /* */ vertical yline(0) rename(2006.year#c.lnlcf = 2006 2007.year#c.lnlcf = 2007 2008.year#c.lnlcf = 2008 2009.year#c.lnlcf = 2009 2010.year#c.lnlcf = 2010 2011.year#c.lnlcf = 2011 /* */ 2012.year#c.lnlcf = 2012 2013.year#c.lnlcf = 2013 2014.year#c.lnlcf = 2014 2015.year#c.lnlcf = 2015) xtitle("Interaction LCF and years") ciopts(recast(rcap))
Thanks a lot in advance for your time and your help!
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