Dear Prof. Yoo (and all others),

I am currently trying to use lclogit2 to conduct a Latent Class Analysis of my choice experiment data.
Unfortunately I am experiencing a problem when using the if condition, and I don't really know why.

To explain the background: I conducted two rounds of the choice experiment and would like to estimate two separate LC models therefore.
I have a variable to identify the round, which takes the values 1 or 2 (it is defined as integer).

Using the if condition to separate the data in the model estimation works for clogit and mixlogit, it also seems to work for lclogit (at least I get no error and some results that look plausible), but it does not work for lclogit2.
When I use lclogit2, it works for the case that the "round" identifier takes the value 1, but not if it takes the value 2. In this case I get the error message "no observations

I am wondering about that problem because clogit and mixlogit correctly identify the number of observations for both rounds, and I also checked the number of observations using count if.

I don't think that my syntax is wrong as I just copied it from the round==1 case (which works) and just changed it to 2.

Does anybody have any idea on that issue?

Thanks a lot in advance!