I wish to create a variable that looks something like 1994M1, 1994M2.....1994M12 to indicate the month of a year in one variable (Not the neatest way to do this, but this is how the data is).
I know the value that I need to begin with (1994M1) but because this loop is being run in multiple files (which are loaded one by one through another outer loop. The loop in questions is nested inside the outer loop that loads the different datasets).

However, Stata gives me the error "observation numbers out of range", which is understandable because the i++ makes it run the command for observation number _N+1. I've tried various changes to the loop but failed. Any help on how to stop this loop at the last observation would be greatly appreciated. (I've tried encasing the whole thing in forval and while but that results in tbe same input, 1994M1, for every observation).

gen Year_Month=""
order Year_Month    
        local i 1
        foreach y of numlist 1994/2020{
            foreach m of numlist 1/12{
                replace Year_Month = "`y'M`m'" in `i++'