First of all, thank you for help in advance. I'm trying to calculate the churn rate (CR) and investor turnover (IT) portfolio of my panel data (xtset in latest version of Stata). I'm struggling to do this, as i don't know how to work with 2 identifiers (Management ID and company CUSIP) and how i can approach this with the 'lag' in my formula. I'm working with panel data of 15 years (per quarter) with multiple investment managers (just 1 in sample below) and public firms. The Churn rate is calculated as such: Array
Where Qjt represent the set of firms held by investor j in quarter t. Subsequently, P and N denote the Shareprice and the Sharesheld, respectively, of company held by institutional investor at quarter.Subsequently, the churn rates are averaged with the preceding three quarters for each investor to create a measure of investor turnover at firm level: Array
Where W represents the weight of investor j in the total fraction held by institutional investors in firm i at quarter t, and S represents the set of investors in firm i at quarter t . To finish, to match the quarterly t with firm-year observations, IT is added from the final quarter of the book year, which holds the average of quarterly churn rates for that year.
Anyone who can help me with this? Thanks!
FileDate_2 ManagerName ManagerNumber Cusip SHARESHELD StockName SHAREPRICE sharesoutstanding 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 11012210 90684 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO 21.13 1.94e+09 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 47816010 36244 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 57.87 2.97e+09 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 19121610 1108050 COCA COLA CO 40.48 2.47e+09 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 45814010 79070 INTEL CORP 16.28 6.54e+09 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 34537086 70712 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.52 1.76e+09 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 93114210 15500 WAL MART STORES INC 52.03 4.41e+09 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 71344810 51600 PEPSICO INC 40 1.72e+09 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 98956P10 9016 ZIMMER HLDGS INC 48.63 1.96e+08 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 45920010 86608 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHS 78.43 1.81e+09 31mar2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 59491810 26180 MICROSOFT CORP 24.21 1.07e+10 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 45920010 85508 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHS 82.5 1.81e+09 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 53245710 3000 LILLY ELI & CO 68.97 1.12e+09 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 71344810 41600 PEPSICO INC 44.5 1.72e+09 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 93114210 15500 WAL MART STORES INC 53.67 4.38e+09 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 34537086 10227 FORD MTR CO DEL 10.99 1.76e+09 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 19121610 1104670 COCA COLA CO 46.41 2.46e+09 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 98956P10 9016 ZIMMER HLDGS INC 45.05 1.97e+08 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 47816010 36244 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 51.7 2.97e+09 30jun2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 45814010 79950 INTEL CORP 20.81 6.53e+09 30sep2003 A R ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 110 45814010 79950 INTEL CORP 27.52 6.51e+09
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