Hi there. I have string data in the format described below. I want to generate a new variable "Event”, that extracts all parts of variable Life Event mentioned in the local event. I’ve created a table below with a column Event (column name highlighted in red) to demonstrate the output I’m hoping for. Is there anyway I can write a loop to extract, that loops over X and Y where X and Y are events in the local?

#delim ;
local event `""birth" "marriage" " graduated school" " graduated college" "divorce"            ///
"death" "miscarriage" "child death"   "';
#delim cr
ID Life Event
1 marriage; 24apr2008
1 death, 6jun2015
2 birth
2 graduated school
2 marriage, death; 1985
3 marriage, graduated college; divorce, death

What I am hoping to get:

ID Life Event Event
1 marriage; 24apr2008 marriage
1 death, 6jun2015 death
2 birth birth
2 graduated school graduated school
2 marriage, death; 1985 marriage, death
3 marriage, graduated college; divorce, death marriage, graduated college; divorce, death
