Hello Statalist,

Hope everyone is doing fine in the middle of this pandemic.

I'm working with a data set from a questionnaire that have 70 questions in a 5 point Likert Scale: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly Agree". When the survey was developed, they make the mistake to misspelled some of the options in the answer questions and there exist multiple values for the same option (Strongly Disagree, Strongly disagree, strongly disagree, etc.). I'm mostly new to work with Stata and I do not know how to work successfully with loops and macros.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str14(q8 q9) str17(q10 q11)
""               ""               ""                  ""                 
"Neutral"        "Disagree"       "Neutral"           "Agree"            
"Strongly agree" "Strongly Agree" "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Agree"          "Strongly Agree" "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Neutral"           "Neutral"          
"Agree"          "Disagree"       "Neutral"           "Neutral"          
"Agree"          "Disagree"       "Agree"             "Neutral"          
"Neutral"        "Neutral"        "Strongly Disagree" "Strongly disagree"
"Neutral"        "Neutral"        "Neutral"           "Neutral"          
"Neutral"        "Neutral"        "Neutral"           "Neutral"          
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Disagree"          "Neutral"          
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Agree"             "Agree"            
""               ""               ""                  ""                 
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Neutral"           "Neutral"          
"Strongly agree" "Strongly agree" "Strongly agree"    "Strongly agree"   
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Strongly agree" "Strongly agree" "Strongly agree"    "Strongly agree"   
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Neutral"        "Agree"          "Agree"             "Strongly disagree"
""               ""               ""                  ""                 
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Agree"          "Agree"          "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Neutral"        "Agree"          "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Strongly agree" "Strongly agree" "Strongly agree"    "Strongly agree"   
"Strongly agree" "Strongly agree" "Strongly agree"    "Strongly agree"   
"Agree"          "Strongly agree" "Agree"             "Agree"            
"Strongly agree" "Strongly agree" "Strongly agree"    "Strongly agree"   
"Strongly agree" "Strongly agree" "Strongly agree"    "Strongly agree"   
"Strongly agree" "Strongly agree" "Strongly agree"    "Strongly agree"   

My intention is to generate the same numbers of variables and replace the variables with the correct values, according to the string values in the old variables. One by one will be something like:

gen Q8=.
replace Q8 =1 if q8=="Strongly Disagree"
replace Q8 =1 if q8=="Strongly disagree"
replace Q8 =1 if q8=="strongly disagree"
replace Q8 =2 if q8=="disagree"
replace Q8 =2 if q8=="Disagree"
replace Q8 =3 if q8=="Neutral"
replace Q8 =3 if q8=="Neautral"
replace Q8 =4 if q8=="Agree"
replace Q8 =4 if q8=="agree"
replace Q8 =5 if q8=="Strongly agree"
replace Q8 =5 if q8=="Strongly Agree"
replace Q8 =5 if q8=="strongly agree"
label define agree 1 "Strongly Disagree" 2 "Disagree" 3 "Neutral" 4 "Agree" 5 "Strongly Agree", replace
label values Q8 q8

I'm trying to do something similar with macros and loops. The following were my unsuccessful steps.

Step 1. (Successful)

forvalues i = 8/78 {
gen var`i'=.


Step 2: (Successful)

local continuous q8-q78

Step 3: (Unsuccessful)

foreach var of varlist var8-var78 {
replace `var'=1 if `continuous'=="Strongly Disagree"
replace `var'=2 if `continuous'==" Disagree"
replace `var'=3 if `continuous'=="Neutral"
replace `var'=3 if `continuous'=="Neautral"
replace `var'=4 if `continuous'=="Agree"
replace `var'=4 if `continuous'=="agree"
replace `var'=5 if `continuous'=="Strongly agree"
replace `var'=5 if `continuous'=="Strongly Agree"


label define agree 1 "Strongly Disagree" 2 "Disagree" 3 "Neutral" 4 "Agree" 5 "Strongly Agree", replace
label values Q8-Q59 agree

What do you recommend me to do without going one by one?
Thanks in advance.
