Dear all

I am seeking to implement the control function approach in the context of a multi-level model.
Individuals are nested in Geo1 and Geo2; it is a cross-classified model.

The heavily stylized example below builds on this earlier post:

The minimum workable example uses somewhat arbitrarily chosen variable to illustrate my main challenge: Geo1 variation needs to be captured by fixed effects, the variable of interest is at the Geo2 level, where, to account for the clustered nature of the data, I use a random effect. When bootstrapping the two stages, because of the fixed effects, many bootstraps are bound to fail. While in principle all fixed effects can be estimated on the entire sample, once Geo2/RE units are bootstrapped not all fixed effects can be estimated anymore and this particular bootstrap fails (see below).

The bootstraps that fail are non-random (i.e. depend on some Geo2/RE characteristics), hence, I don't think I can trust the bootstrapped results.

What would you advice me to do?

Thank you very much in advance!

sysuse auto, clear
rename rep78  y
replace y = 0 if y <= 3
replace y = 1 if y > 3
rename weight  x
rename length  z

gen n = _n 
xtile FE = n, nq(5)  // GEO1 identifier as fixed effect 
drop n
xtile RE = trunk, nq(10)   // GEO2 identifier as random effect 
egen pickone = tag(RE)

bysort RE: egen mean_g = mean(gear_ratio) //  independent variable at GEO2-level for illustration  

*bootstrap CF approach
program CF
            reg x z headroom        if pickone                            // first stage with instrument (in the real data only Geo2/RE-level data enter, hence the if pickone)
            predict x_res, residuals   
            melogit y x headroom mean_g i.FE x_res || RE:     // second stage 
            drop x_res
end program
bootstrap, reps(20) cluster(RE) idcluster(ID) seed(123) force: CF
program drop CF

Bootstrap replications (1000)
1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+- - 5