I have written the following do file to conduct some Monte Carlo simulation. However, for some reason the mata function, controlf(), is not being read while executing the program "cfsimu." When I open up the cfsimu and put the mata function just before it is called, then I don't get the problem. Any help would be most welcomed.

Best wishes

cd "C:\DATA\MCExp"
set more off

clear all
program drop _all
program define cfsimu, rclass
version 15

drop _all
set obs 500 // n= 500 individuals (change the number of Individuals here)
gen id = _n // idendification number of the individuals

//sz1 = 5; sz2 = 2; st = 4; sa1 = 6; sa2= 1
//r12 = 0.25;
//r1t =0.1 ; r2t =0.15 ;
//r1a1 =0.2; r2a1= 0.3; r1a2 =0.25 ; r2a2 =0.3 ; ra1a2= 0.5
//rta1 = 0.5; rta2 = 0.25

mat ZTA = (25, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 1.25 \ ///
2.5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.2, 3.6, 0.6 \ ///
0, 0, 25, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 1.25 \ ///
0, 0, 2.5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.2, 3.6, 0.6 \ ///
0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 1.25 \ ///
0, 0, 0, 0, 2.5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.2, 3.6, 0.6 \ ///
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 2.5, 0, 0, 2, 6, 1.25 \ ///
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.5, 4, 0, 0, 1.2, 3.6, 0.6 \ ///
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 2.5, 2, 6, 1.25 \ ///
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.5, 4, 1.2, 3.6, 0.6 \ ///
2, 1.2, 2, 1.2, 2, 1.2, 2, 1.2, 2, 1.2, 16, 12, 1 \ ///
6, 3.6, 6, 3.6, 6, 3.6, 6, 3.6, 6, 3.6, 12, 36, 3 \ ///
1.25, 0.6, 1.25, 0.6, 1.25, 0.6, 1.25, 0.6, 1.25, 0.6, 1, 3, 1 )

mat ZTA = (1/36)*ZTA
drawnorm z11 z21 z12 z22 z13 z23 z14 z24 z15 z25 th1 al11 al21, cov(ZTA)

gen al12 = al11
gen al13 = al11
gen al14 = al11
gen al15 = al11

gen al22 = al21
gen al23 = al21
gen al24 = al21
gen al25 = al21

gen th2 = th1
gen th3 = th1
gen th4 = th1
gen th5 = th1

reshape long z1 z2 al1 al2 th, i(id) j(time)

/*Discretizing z1_it and z2_it*/
gen dz1 = (z1>0)
gen dz2 = (z2>.25)

bysort id: egen mdz1 = mean(dz1) // computing the mean of the z1_it for every individial
bysort id: egen mdz2 = mean(dz2) // computing the mean of the z2_it for every individial

/*EE is the covariance matrix, Σ_ζϵ, in section 3 of the paper.*/
matrix EE =( 1,.75,.25 \ .75, 1, .5 \ .25, .5, 1)

/*Generating the idiosyncratic errors, ζ_it (et) and ϵ_it (ep).*/
drawnorm ep1 ep2 et, cov(EE)

/*Generating the endogenous explanatory variable, x_it.*/
gen x1 = -1*dz1 + .05*dz2 + al1 + ep1
gen x2 = .025*dz1 + .75*dz2 + al2 + ep2

/*Generating the endogenous binary outcome, y_it.*/
gen ys = -1*x1 + 0.5*x2 + th + et
gen y = (ys >0)

matrix drop _all

/*Estimating the reduced form equation.*/
xtset id time
xtsur (x1 dz1 dz2 mdz1 mdz2 )(x2 dz1 dz2 mdz1 mdz2 )

mat b = e(b)
mat B1 = b[1, "x1:"]
mat B2 = b[1, "x2:"]
mat VAL = e(sigma_u)
mat VEP = e(sigma_e)

gen mzb1 = 0 //Chamberlain-Mundlak specification for conditional expectation of $\alpha_{x1}$ given exogenous regressors
gen mzb2 = 0 //Chamberlain-Mundlak specification for conditional expectation of $\alpha_{x2}$ given exogenous regressors

foreach var of local mzvar {
mat b1`var' = b[1, "x1:`var'"]
sca sb1`var' = b1`var'[1,1]
replace mzb1 = mzb1+`var'*sb1`var'

mat b2`var' = b[1, "x2:`var'"]
sca sb2`var' = b2`var'[1,1]
replace mzb2 = mzb2+`var'*sb2`var'


local idvar "id"
local xvar "x1 x2"
local zvar "dz1 dz2"
local mzvar "mdz1 mdz2"
local mzbvar "mzb1 mzb2" // Conditional expectation of α_1i and α_2i given exogenous variables Z_i

sort id time

/*Calling the mata function, controlf, to compute the control functions, \hat{α}_i= ex_x and \hat{ϵ}_it=ep_x*/
marksample touse
mata: controlf("B1", "B2", "VAL", "VEP", "`idvar'", "`xvar'", "`zvar'", "`mzvar'", "`mzbvar'", "`touse'")

/*Estimating the structural equation augmented with the control functions, \hat{α}_i and \hat{ϵ}_it.*/
xtset id time
probit y x1 x2 ex_x1 ex_x2 ep_x1 ep_x2, nocon
mat BS = e(b) //Saving the coefficients of the structural equation to subsequently use them for computing the average partial effect.

replace x1 = 0.5 // To compute the average partial effect at x1=0.5
replace x2 = 1 // To compute the average partial effect at x2=1
local svar "x1 x2 ex_x1 ex_x2 ep_x1 ep_x2"

gen xsb = 0

foreach var of local svar {
mat bs`var' = BS[1, "y:`var'"]
sca sbs`var' = bs`var'[1,1]
replace xsb = xsb+`var'*sbs`var'
gen pe1_smp = sbsx1*normalden(xsb) // average partial effect of x1 at x1=0.5 & x2=1 from the CRECF estimator for every individual i and time t
gen pe2_smp = sbsx2*normalden(xsb) // average partial effect of x2 at x1=0.5 & x2=1 from the CRECF estimator for every individual i and time t

gen pe1_pop = -1*normalden( -1*0.5 + 0.5 + th ) // true average partial effect of x1 evaluated at x1= 0.5 and x2 = 1 for every individual i and time t
gen pe2_pop = 0.5*normalden( -1*0.5 + 0.5 + th ) // true average partial effect of x2 evaluated at x1= 0.5 and x2 = 1 for every individual i and time t

sca drop _all

su pe1_smp
return scalar ape1_smp = r(mean) // average partial effect (APE) of x1 from the CRECF estimator
su pe1_pop
return scalar ape1_pop = r(mean) // true average partial effect of x1

su pe2_smp
return scalar ape2_smp = r(mean) // average partial effect (APE) of x2 from the CRECF estimator
su pe2_pop
return scalar ape2_pop = r(mean) // true average partial effect of x2


/* Mata function to compute control functions */

clear mata
function controlf(string scalar B1, string scalar B2, string scalar VAL, string scalar VEP, string scalar idvar, string scalar xvar, string scalar zvar, string scalar mzvar, string scalar mzbvar, touse)
st_view(ID=., ., tokens(idvar), touse ) // Variable identifying individuals
st_view(X=., ., tokens(xvar), touse) // Exogenous regressors
st_view(Z=., ., tokens(zvar), touse) // Exogenous regressors
st_view(MZ=., ., tokens(mzvar), touse) // Means of Exogenous regressors
st_view(MZB=., ., tokens(mzbvar), touse) // Conditional expectation of α_1i and α_2i given exogenous variables Z_i

BC1 = st_matrix(B1)
BC2 = st_matrix(B2)
V_AL = st_matrix(VAL) //Estimate of the variance of α_i
V_EP = st_matrix(VEP) //Estimate of the variance of ϵ_it


IAL = invsym(V_AL)
IEP = invsym(V_EP)
SG = (invsym(5*IEP + IAL))*IEP // 5 is the number of time periods

R1 = X[.,1] - ZV*BC1' //Residuals
R2 = X[.,2] - ZV*BC2' //Residuals

R = R1,R2

EX_POS1 =J(1,1,0); EX_POS2 =J(1,1,0)

info = panelsetup(ID, 1, 5, 5)

for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) {
/*i for each individual*/

RI= panelsubmatrix(R, i, info)

while (j<=rows(RI)){
RIJ = RI[j,.]


EX_POS1= EX_POS1 \ J(rows(RI),1,1)*EX_POSI[1,.]
EX_POS2= EX_POS2 \ J(rows(RI),1,1)*EX_POSI[2,.]


EX_POS1 = EX_POS1[2..rows(EX_POS1),.]; EX_POS2 = EX_POS2[2..rows(EX_POS2),.]

EX_POSM1 = MZB[.,1] + EX_POS1 //$\hat{\alpha}_{i}$ for income
EX_POSM2 = MZB[.,2] + EX_POS2 //$\hat{\alpha}_{i}$ for index of productive assets

ER1 = R1 - EX_POS1 //$\hat{\epsilon}_{it}$ for x1
ER2 = R2 - EX_POS2 //$\hat{\epsilon}_{it}$ for x2

ER = ER1, ER2



st_addvar("float", ( "ex_x1", "ex_x2", "ep_x1", "ep_x2"))
st_store(., ( "ex_x1", "ex_x2", "ep_x1", "ep_x2"), NVAR) //the control functions, \hat{α}_i= ex_x and \hat{ϵ}_it=ep_x


set seed 339487731
simulate ape1_smp=r(ape1_smp) ape1_pop=r(ape1_pop) ape2_smp=r(ape2_smp) ape2_pop=r(ape2_pop) _b, reps(100) : cfsimu //simulating 10000 averrage partial effects for 500 individuals

gen dape1_cf = ape1_smp- ape1_pop //Estimated APE of x1 - True APE of x1
gen ser1 = (dape1_cf)^2
gen sser1 = sum(ser1)
gen rmse1 = sqrt(sser1[_N]/_N) //computing root mean square

gen dape2_cf = ape2_smp- ape2_pop //Estimated APE of x1 - True APE of x1
gen ser2 = (dape2_cf)^2
gen sser2 = sum(ser2)
gen rmse2 = sqrt(sser2[_N]/_N) //computing root mean square

save "data_crecf.dta", replace // saving 10000 simulated averrage partial effects