I would like to compute average marginal effects (AME) out of an interaction of GDP (p.c., logged, base 10) and regime‑type (dichotomous discrimination between autocracies and democracies): c.z_e_migdppcln##i.v2x_regime_01. The model likes like:
fracreg logit dvfrac_year c.z_v2x_civlib c.z_e_migdppcln##i.v2x_regime_01 i.regionMY [fweight=cnt_total_year], vce(cluster country_id) allbaselevels
* Version A margins i.v2x_regime_01, dydx(c.z_e_migdppcln) at((mean) z_v2x_civlib regionMY)
*Version B margins, dydx(c.z_e_migdppcln) over(i.v2x_regime_01) at((mean) z_v2x_civlib regionMY)
Question 1) I am correct to say that version A computes AME using the whole span of GDP data irrespective of regime‑type? I am thinking about this issue since the max value of GDP is reached by a democracy and the min value by an autocracy in my sample.
Question 2) Shall I retrieve AME when respecting the min max values of autocracies and democracies as captured in version B? Or is version B an inappropriate syntax for an interaction?
I would appreciate your thoughts.
All the best,
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