Hi all,
I have a panel data on bilateral trade volume of 55 country pairs for 15 years time period (so an unbalanced 15*55*15 matrix).
So far, I am done with reshaping and trying to declare the panel data before running the regression.
when I ran the following command:
egen group = group(countryi countryj)
su group, meanonly
xtset group year
the result revealed
xtset group year
repeated time values within panel
In an attempt to fix it, I did
drop if year==year[_n-1]
xtset group year, yearly
and I got the panel with weak balanced. Then I ran the regression and got the r2000, no observation.
I could not figured out how best can I fix it. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated.
I am happy to provide with more details if needed.
Thanh Hao
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