I'm doing with panel var model.
I tried with pvargranger and want to try another code.
Can I use xtgcause code with pvar model?
Also what is that mean below? In this case, how should I interpret this? There is no p-value.
. xtgcause gnm gdp, lags(hqic 8) Dumitrescu & Hurlin (2012) Granger non-causality test results: -------------------------------------------------------------- Optimal number of lags (HQIC): 8 (lags tested: 1 to 8). W-bar = . Z-bar = . (p-value = .) Z-bar tilde = . (p-value = .) -------------------------------------------------------------- H0: gdp does not Granger-cause gnm. H1: gdp does Granger-cause gnm for at least one panelvar (id).
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