I'm trying to understand how GMM works and noticed that GMM produces the same estimates as OLS when there's no instrument as it should. For instance,
set obs 10000
generate y1 = runiform()
generate y2 = runiform()
generate y3 = runiform()
generate x1 = runiform()
generate x2 = runiform()
generate x3 = runiform()
generate z1 = runiform()
generate z2 = runiform()
generate z3 = runiform()
reg y1 x1 z1
gmm (y1-{b1}*x1 - {b2}*z1 - {a}), inst (x1 z1)
The two models above produce the exact same results.
However when I estimate a system of equations using SUR and GMM, the two models produce similar, but different results.
* different
sureg (y1 x1) (y2 x2)
gmm (y1-{beta1}*x1- {a1}) (y2-{beta2}*x2 - {a2}), inst (x1 x2) winitial(unadjusted, independent) quickderivatives
The results are also different when I use instruments and run 3sls and GMM,
reg3 (y1 x1) (y2 x2), exog(z1 z2) endog(x1 x2) 3sls
gmm (y1-{beta1}*x1- {a1}) (y2-{beta2}*x2 - {a2}), inst (z1 z2) winitial(unadjusted, independent) quickderivatives
Although from this post (https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...-fit-the-model), it seems I should get the exact same estimates.
Can anyone see what's wrong? I'd appreciate any advice!
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