I have an administrative dataset that is updated on the 1st and 15th day of every month.
It looks somewhat like this:
clear input long id str10( var1 begin end spell ) 1 x 01.01.2006 14.01.2006 1 1 y 15.01.2006 28.02.2006 2 1 z 01.03.2006 31.12.2006 3 2 a 01.01.2006 29.02.2008 1 end gen SIFbegin=date(begin, "DMY") gen SIFend=date(end, "DMY") format SIFbegin %td format SIFend %td
clear input long id str10( var1 begin end spell) 1 x 01.01.2006 14.01.2006 1 1 y 15.01.2006 31.01.2006 2 1 y 01.02.2006 14.02.2006 2 1 y 15.02.2006 28.02.2006 2 1 z 01.03.2006 14.03.2006 3 1 z 15.03.2006 31.03.2006 3 1 z 01.04.2006 14.04.2006 3 1 z 15.04.2006 30.04.2006 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 z 15.12.2006 31.12.2006 4 2 a 01.01.2006 14.01.2006 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 a 15.02.2008 29.02.2008 1 end gen SIFbegin=date(begin, "DMY") gen SIFend=date(end, "DMY") format SIFbegin %td format SIFend %td
My first(admittedly somewhat naive) attempt at doing this transformation relied on using the stata week-date format and expanding by the difference (in weeks) between begin and end date:
clear input long id str10( var1 begin end spell ) 1 x 01.01.2006 14.01.2006 1 1 y 15.01.2006 28.02.2006 2 1 z 01.03.2006 31.12.2006 3 2 a 01.01.2006 29.02.2008 1 end gen SIFbegin=date(begin, "DMY") gen SIFend=date(end, "DMY") format SIFbegin %td format SIFend %td gen WEEK_begin=wofd(SIFbegin) gen WEEK_end=wofd(SIFend) format WEEK_begin %tw format WEEK_end %tw gen duration=WEEK_end-WEEK_begin replace duration=duration/2 expand duration
lenght 13: 15th-28th of a regular february
lenght 14: 1st-14th of a month and 15th-29th in february of a leap year
lenght 15: 15th-30th of a month
lenght 16: 15th-31st of a month
And now I am at a loss for a straightforward viable solution. The Problem is that my paneldates have to exactly fit the update cycle as I want to merge this data with another such dataset (with the same problem) but the id only uniquely identifies observations within one update cycle (i.e. between one begin and end date)..
I somehow have a feeling that my problem is trivial and the solution is just arround the corner and I am just not seeing it.
I would greatly appreciate any help and feedback!
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