* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int year long(cn au ca de) 2001 151741 31187 43187 33906 2002 183919 33752 49119 33979 2003 163873 26612 34369 28577 2004 190235 41981 50518 37242 2005 198897 46394 54464 39821 2006 271657 42549 53821 38764 2007 268654 51762 57179 39529 2008 329204 58199 60236 40309 2009 972123 57147 60138 39533 2010 1630735 62254 64739 42446 2011 1784185 60067 67545 44644 2012 2586428 63597 70614 45054 2013 2874702 65777 72693 46533 2014 3987152 78674 88601 52507 2015 4184102 76122 90666 54954 2016 3511734 82361 106197 59798 2017 2732549 90892 117687 65983 end
xpose, clear v drop in 1 ren _varname code reshape long v, i(code) j(year) replace year = year+2000 ren v tourist
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