I get data from Datastream and there are some firms having no data, i.e. price_14 "$$ER: E100, INVALID CODE OR EXPRESSION ENTERED" in the following example:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str4 tdate double(price_10 price_11 price_12 price_13) str45 price_14 double(price_15 price_16) "1998" . 30.0625 45.3071 29.6406 "$$ER: E100,INVALID CODE OR EXPRESSION ENTERED" 5.3828 36.5625 "1999" . 25.0938 54.3623 41.1562 "" 6.6406 40.2813 "2000" . 22.9375 38.9188 30.0625 "" 15.3437 43.4688 "2001" . 31.475 39.2624 31.45 "" 17.6925 39.3 "2002" . 34.785 42.97 15.57 "" 20.875 34.94 "2003" . 40.215 49.94 32.05 "" 29.09 41 "2004" . 46.99 55.08 23.39 "" 44.015 51.26 "2005" . 46.15 57.88 24.96 "" 62.14 56.17 "2006" 9.849 53.39 64.27 20.25 "" 53.73 76.63 "2007" 21.52 41.26 73.42 26.66 "" 58.2 93.69 "2008" 14.293 14.08 61.82 14.66 "" 26.6 79.83 "2009" 25.598 15.06 60.63 20.4 "" 30.48 68.19 "2010" 22.411 13.34 64.33 21.03 "" 36.11 73.12 "2011" 37.282 5.56 66.71 24.25 "" 50.68 84.76 "2012" 49.128 11.61 67.89 20.62 "" 54.24 86.55 "2013" 83.546 15.57 81.41 25.955 "" 75.3 101.2 "2014" 86.16 17.89 91.09 36.29 "" 101.09 92.45 "2015" 97.36 16.83 79.41 34.45 "" 117.64 77.95 "2016" 103.25 22.1 84.08 36.27 "" 160.04 90.26 "2017" 151.36 29.52 91.88 46.16 "" 220.46 83.64 "2018" 188.65 24.64 91.92 46.93 "" 249.12 68.19 "2019" 298.5901 35.22 124.9 59.85 "" 293.98 69.78 end
rename Code tdate reshape long price_ , i(tdate) j(cmpn)
variable price_14 type mismatch with other price_ variables
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