I am carrying out a study using panel data I would like t group the countries into regions, which I have been able to do using the following command:
generate region = 5
replace region = 1 if inlist(country, "Burundi", "Kenya", "Uganda", "Rwanda", "Mauritius")
replace region = 2 if inlist(country, "Burkino Faso", "Togo", "Mali", "Nigeria", "Mauritania", "Senegal")
replace region = 3 if inlist(country, "Egypt", "Sudan", "Morocco", "Tunisia", "Algeria")
replace region = 4 if inlist(country, "Eswatini", "Botswana", "Namibia", "Lesotho", "South Africa")
replace region = 5 if inlist(country, "Cameroon", "DR Congo", "Gabon")

Nevertheless, when I tabulated it using 'tab region', I realised that though the total value of the observations are correct, the values in each of the regions are not correct. How do I correct this?

Please note that the panel is unbalanced.
Thank you.