Dear all,

I am been working on a study to examine the effect of two drugs (drug A = 1, drug B = 0) over time (time 0, 1 and 2 semesters) on depression (1 = yes, 0 = no). My Stata version is 14.2

Here is an example data set:

use, clear
xtmelogit depression drug##time || patient_id: , intpoints(5)
I have tried a number of different approaches, such as:

logit depression drug##time
matrix a = e(b)
xtmelogit depression drug##time || patient_id: , intpoints(3) refineopts(dif) from(a)
unsuccessfully, however. Would you have any thoughts on how to estimate decent coefficients using any alternative method?

All the best,


P.S. Edited for typos