Dear Statalist Users,

I am having trouble exporting my estimation results for my paper. I am using Stata 14.0 MP. It seems that the esttab command couldn't export a continuous variable's coefficient when it's in multiple interaction terms and exporting with multiple specifications. I tried google it but couldn't find any similar questions.

I use the 1978 Automobile Data to replicate the problem:

The Code
qui reg price c.mpg##rep78 gear_ratio
eststo test1
qui reg price c.mpg##rep78 c.mpg##foreign gear_ratio
eststo test2
qui reg price c.mpg##rep78 c.gear_ratio##foreign
eststo test3
qui reg price c.mpg##rep78 c.mpg#foreign foreign gear_ratio
eststo test4
local test test1 test2 test3 test4
esttab `test' using test.csv, replace

The Result
(1) (2) (3) (4)
price price price price
mpg -204.1 0 -380.6 -324.2
(-0.35) (.) (-0.69) (-0.57)
Other variables' results are normal; the only problem is the missing coefficient of mpg in test2. I guess the issue is mpg is in two interaction terms in test2. Test4’s mpg is also in two interaction terms, but the code is “c.mpg##rep78 c.mpg#foreign foreign” instead of “c.mpg##rep78 c.mpg##foreign ", so that’s probably a solution. Also when I tried exporting test2 separately it works, so the issue is also related to exporting multiple specifications. In my original data, esttab can export the categorical variable’s coefficient, so continuous variable is also part of the issue.

Does anyone know what’s the problem? Is there an easy way to solve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated