* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(id start stop) 1 625 625 1 627 629 1 631 641 1 644 645 1 647 653 1 696 . 9 682 . 13 695 . 17 694 694 25 662 675 25 677 678 25 682 . 29 634 680 33 643 661 33 690 . 37 657 704 37 706 710 41 679 . 45 707 . 49 683 . 53 670 . 57 696 . 61 687 693 61 696 . 65 634 680 69 636 649 73 628 658 73 676 690 73 702 . 81 637 705 85 638 639 85 652 703 89 633 639 89 641 665 93 707 . 97 694 . 100 638 646 100 648 655 100 657 657 100 659 661 100 663 667 100 669 669 100 671 674 100 679 680 100 683 684 end format %tm start format %tm stop
0 Response to calculating or identifying start/stop dates according to a rule with consecutive observations
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