Hi everyone - beginner here, so apologies for what must be a very simple question.

Essentially, I have data that looks like this:

rowid date earnings_date stock_ticker
1 18001 18002 AAPL
2 18002 . AAPL
3 18003 . AAPL
4 18001 18003 MSFT
5 18002 . MSFT
6 18003 . MSFT
7 18001 . TSLA
8 18002 18001 TSLA
9 18003 . TSLA

The "date" variable covers every working day of the year, sequentially, in Stata format (number of days since January 1, 1960.)

The earnings_date column is messy - it contains a list of dates when various companies announced earnings. It has some duplicates and a great deal of missing values, since there are far fewer earnings dates than days in a year. All earnings_dates, however, are in line with the appropriate company ticker, something like this:

date earnings_date stock_ticker
18001 18002 AAPL
18002 18032 AAPL
18003 18097 AAPL
18004 . AAPL
18005 18097 AAPL
18006 . AAPL
18007 . AAPL
18008 . AAPL
18009 . AAPL

I would just like to add a variable ("categ") that's 1 when a date is an earnings date and 0 otherwise:

rowid date earnings_date stock_ticker categ
1 18001 18002 AAPL 0
2 18002 . AAPL 1
3 18003 . AAPL 0
4 18001 18003 MSFT 0
5 18002 . MSFT 0
6 18003 . MSFT 1
7 18001 . TSLA 1
8 18002 18001 TSLA 0
9 18003 . TSLA 0

In other words, my code needs to compare each value of "date" with all the values of "earnings_date" for a particular stock ticker.

I've looked for inspiration in various examples but I only got to the point where I can compare each value of "date" with the inline value of "earnings_date":

gen categ=.

forvalues f = 1/`=_N' { 
quietly sum date if rowid==`f', meanonly 
local testvalue = r(min) 
quietly egen testvariable = anymatch(earnings_date), values(`testvalue') 
quietly replace categ = testvariable if rowid==`f' 
drop testvariable

I do understand what this does. It takes the value of "date", stores it temporarily, then uses egen's anymatch to compare it to "earnings_date". This works.

I just don't know how to compare the stored "testvalue" to ALL values of earnings_date corresponding to EACH ticker (not just with the inline value of earnings_date). I've tinkered for hours and everything failed.

If you have some ideas, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. Many thanks in advance!