I have a variable date2 which holds information on month and year of medical examination:
tab date2
1M Date on |
Medical Exam - |
month & year | Freq. Percent Cum.
NA,Inapplicable | 1,385 8.98 8.98
April 1965 | 814 5.28 14.26
May 1965 | 3,276 21.24 35.49
June 1965 | 4,309 27.94 63.43
July 1965 | 2,111 13.69 77.12
August 1965 | 1,241 8.05 85.16
September 1965 | 671 4.35 89.51
October 1965 | 414 2.68 92.19
November 1965 | 254 1.65 93.84
December 1965 | 259 1.68 95.52
January-April 66 | 194 1.26 96.78
May-August 1966 | 333 2.16 98.94
Sept. 66 onwards | 164 1.06 100.00
Total | 15,425 100.00
des n330
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
n330 byte %8.0g n330 1M Date on Medical Exam - month & year
I've generated a second variable called day which specifies the day of examination (set to the 15th of each month for all subjects as this data hasn't been collected):
gen day = 15
Any ideas on how to do this?
Many Thanks
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