Hi, Stata people.
I have got a 20 years panel data 1990- 2010. For the falsification test. I drop all the treated variables and I randomly want to assign treatment to same no of observation as it was in year x .
So far I am manually doing the work. The toy story is :
[generate random= uniform() // generating random values
sort year random // sorting the random value by year as I have to assign same no treatment as it was in year X
gen treat =0 now I am generating the treatment variable treat
replace treat =1 in 1/5 // as the years are sorted. I am manually looking into the year and in the year 1990 (which runs from cell 1 to 25), only 5 was treated
replace treat =1 in 26/30 // again in 1991 5 was treated, 1991 year cell runs from 26 to 45
Can anyone help me how to go about it rather than looking at the cell for the year range and then assigning the n observation.
Any help is appreciated.
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