Hello everyone,

I am presenting an interesting problem here, at least interesting and at the same time weird to me. I am running an OLS regression using reg command. I have three continuous variables and one binary treatment variable. In addition, I want to include year fixed effects, district fixed effects, and unit fixed effects using the factor variable notation in Stata (i.varname). However, my coefficients are sensitive to the ordering of factor variables. For example when I run:

global xlist classsize teacher_perstudent higheduc_teacher_perstudent i.districteng i.schoolid i.progyear 
reg avgscore_male_nonretaker t $xlist, cluster(schoolid) allbaselevels
I am getting this

PHP Code:
Linear regression                               Number of obs     =         43
(529)          =          .
Prob F          =          .
R-squared         =     0.9698
                                                Root MSE          
=      12.95

(StdErradjusted for 30 clusters in schoolid)
|      Coef.   StdErr.      t    P>|t|     [95ConfInterval]
|   18.75526   42.49063     0.44   0.662    -68.14784    105.6583
|  -.1132929   1.046558    -0.11   0.915    -2.253744    2.027158
|   16.13461   19.98505     0.81   0.426    -24.73941    57.00864
|  -28.82376    58.8787    -0.49   0.628    -149.2442    91.59671
districteng |
Dai Mirdad  |          0  (base)
Dara i Suf Bala  |   122.3196   33.65303     3.63   0.001     53.49143    191.1478
|   49.01942   101.9663     0.48   0.634     -159.525    257.5639
|   104.6114   438.0338     0.24   0.813    -791.2684    1000.491
              Khas Uruzgan  
|   71.54592   58.80817     1.22   0.234     -48.7303    191.8221
|   48.78746   22.03812     2.21   0.035     3.714444    93.86049
          Lal o Sar Jangal  
|  -26.31099   107.3473    -0.25   0.808    -245.8608    193.2388
|   88.19973   46.43968     1.90   0.068    -6.780067    183.1795
             Markaz Behsud  
|   1.466345    54.6986     0.03   0.979    -110.4049    113.3375
|   50.78536   61.51352     0.83   0.416    -75.02392    176.5946
|   92.51837     29.796     3.11   0.004     31.57871     153.458
|   21.75951   26.68676     0.82   0.422    -32.82105    76.34007
do Ab  |   54.42585   42.86992     1.27   0.214    -33.25297    142.1047
|   63.03825   19.94752     3.16   0.004     22.24099    103.8355
                 Shikh Ali  
|  -22.67487   49.27363    -0.46   0.649    -123.4508    78.10102
|   60.66022   30.47429     1.99   0.056     -1.66669    122.9871
|    42.0939   31.28532     1.35   0.189    -21.89176    106.0796
progyear |
2014  |          0  (base)
2015  |  -37.10014   47.96113    -0.77   0.445    -135.1917    60.99138
|  -51.78048   97.60409    -0.53   0.600    -251.4033    147.8423
|  -83.51801   140.8801    -0.59   0.558    -371.6502    204.6142
schoolid |
150300010  |          0  (base)
150300019  |  -58.26665   97.24575    -0.60   0.554    -257.1565    140.6232
|  -78.04578   53.70461    -1.45   0.157     -187.884    31.79248
|          0  (omitted)
260300005  |          0  (omitted)
260400001  |  -11.29118   39.35719    -0.29   0.776    -91.78568    69.20332
|          0  (omitted)
270700022  |   122.8894   103.3797     1.19   0.244    -88.54591    334.3247
|          0  (omitted)
280400012  |  -55.59268   40.07616    -1.39   0.176    -137.5576    26.37227
|          0  (omitted)
280500003  |   18.90369   49.73354     0.38   0.707    -82.81283    120.6202
|          0  (omitted)
280600047  |          0  (omitted)
306000018  |          0  (omitted)
340600022  |          0  (omitted)
340700013  |  -32.15847    66.5693    -0.48   0.633     -168.308     103.991
|          0  (omitted)
340900024  |          0  (omitted)
402000012  |  -97.33107   421.7379    -0.23   0.819     -959.882    765.2199
|          0  (omitted)
404000010  |   53.02595   32.69272     1.62   0.116    -13.83818    119.8901
|  -39.52184   47.86309    -0.83   0.416    -137.4128    58.36917
|  -85.81084   72.24248    -1.19   0.245    -233.5633    61.94163
|   24.28322   102.5233     0.24   0.814    -185.4005    233.9669
|          0  (omitted)
405000008  |          0  (omitted)
604000098  |          0  (omitted)
604000103  |          0  (omitted)
606000070  |          0  (omitted)
_cons |   167.3151   45.65664     3.66   0.001     73.93678    260.6934
But when I change the order of just two factor variables as follows:

global xlist classsize teacher_perstudent higheduc_teacher_perstudent i.districteng i.schoolid i.progyear 
reg avgscore_male_nonretaker t $xlist, cluster(schoolid) allbaselevels
I am getting the following result:

PHP Code:
Linear regression                               Number of obs     =         43
(529)          =          .
Prob F          =          .
R-squared         =     0.9698
                                                Root MSE          
=      12.95

(StdErradjusted for 30 clusters in schoolid)
|      Coef.   StdErr.      t    P>|t|     [95ConfInterval]
|   -9.08408   12.34954    -0.74   0.468    -34.34173    16.17356
|  -.1132929   1.046558    -0.11   0.915    -2.253744    2.027158
|   16.13461   19.98505     0.81   0.426    -24.73941    57.00864
|  -28.82376    58.8787    -0.49   0.628    -149.2442    91.59671
districteng |
Dai Mirdad  |          0  (base)
Dara i Suf Bala  |   94.48027    32.3545     2.92   0.007     28.30789    160.6527
|   104.6981   18.04242     5.80   0.000     67.79721     141.599
|   48.93273   516.7161     0.09   0.925     -1007.87    1105.736
              Khas Uruzgan  
|   99.38525   31.14976     3.19   0.003     35.67684    163.0937
|   48.78746   22.03812     2.21   0.035     3.714444    93.86049
          Lal o Sar Jangal  
|   29.36768   21.85836     1.34   0.190     -15.3377    74.07305
|   88.19973   46.43968     1.90   0.068    -6.780067    183.1795
             Markaz Behsud  
|   29.30568   13.08261     2.24   0.033     2.548731    56.06263
|    78.6247   18.00107     4.37   0.000     41.80838     115.441
|   92.51837     29.796     3.11   0.004     31.57871     153.458
|   21.75951   26.68676     0.82   0.422    -32.82105    76.34007
do Ab  |   54.42585   42.86992     1.27   0.214    -33.25297    142.1047
|   63.03825   19.94752     3.16   0.004     22.24099    103.8355
                 Shikh Ali  
|  -22.67487   49.27363    -0.46   0.649    -123.4508    78.10102
|   32.82089   74.72315     0.44   0.664    -120.0051    185.6469
|    42.0939   31.28532     1.35   0.189    -21.89176    106.0796
schoolid |
150300010  |          0  (base)
150300019  |  -2.587977   9.719837    -0.27   0.792    -22.46727    17.29132
|  -50.20644   16.52537    -3.04   0.005    -84.00462   -16.40826
|          0  (omitted)
260300005  |          0  (omitted)
260400001  |  -39.13052   12.62379    -3.10   0.004    -64.94907   -13.31196
|          0  (omitted)
270700022  |   39.37137   49.03798     0.80   0.429    -60.92255    139.6653
|          0  (omitted)
280400012  |  -27.75334   25.84329    -1.07   0.292     -80.6088    25.10212
|          0  (omitted)
280500003  |  -8.935647    20.8451    -0.43   0.671    -51.56866    33.69736
|          0  (omitted)
280600047  |          0  (omitted)
306000018  |          0  (omitted)
340600022  |          0  (omitted)
340700013  |  -59.99781    28.1416    -2.13   0.042    -117.5538   -2.441779
|          0  (omitted)
340900024  |          0  (omitted)
402000012  |   -41.6524   500.2204    -0.08   0.934    -1064.718    981.4132
|          0  (omitted)
404000010  |   25.18661   32.97342     0.76   0.451     -42.2516    92.62483
|   -11.6825   25.76335    -0.45   0.654    -64.37447    41.00947
|  -57.97151   64.91141    -0.89   0.379    -190.7302    74.78724
|  -59.23479   55.16953    -1.07   0.292    -172.0692    53.59958
|          0  (omitted)
405000008  |          0  (omitted)
604000098  |  -27.83934   46.96004    -0.59   0.558    -123.8834    68.20473
|          0  (omitted)
606000070  |          0  (omitted)
progyear |
2014  |          0  (base)
2015  |  -9.260804   14.20829    -0.65   0.520    -38.32003    19.79842
|   3.898195   16.14454     0.24   0.811    -29.12109    36.91748
|          0  (omitted)
_cons |   139.4757   43.84943     3.18   0.003     49.79359    229.1579

Please take a look at the coefficient on t (the treatment indicator), why would changing the order of factor variables change the results. Is it not supposed to satisfy the additive property? Or am I missing something?