Hi all,
I have date of 100 employees per company, for several companies. I would like to perform a Multilevel regresion where Dependent variable is at company level, independent variables are at employee/individual level, and control variable are at both levels, that is:
- Dependent: Firm innovation level (inn)
- Independent: Employee's productivity (Empprod), Employee creativity (empcrea)
- Controls: Firm financial performance (ROA), firm size (size), Employee tenure (emptenure), employee level of studies (empstud)
All my variables are CONTINOUS, so I performed:
xtmixed inn emprod empcrea roa size emptenure empstud, mle
My questions are:
- Why the programm did not work if I set the syntax || company ? Am I okey using this methodology for this data or should I use another?
- How can I obtain post stimation such as R-Squared or sd for both levels ?
I would be very thanks if someone could she light on my problem
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