hello! I am looking to merge two datasets to end with coherent district-level daily dataset from 2009-2013 with temperature, rainfall, and total rainfall variables.
- the first dataset "finalrainfall" has the following shape
Year Edate District_id State_name District_name dailymeanrainfall dailytotalrainfall
- the second dataset "finaltemp" has the following shape
Year Edate District_id State_name District_name Weightedavertemp
I initially tried using the merge command, but I got the error message given that there variables I used werent unique identifiers (merge 1:1 district_id year using "finalrainfall"
I have tried using also joinby - joinby district_id year using "finalrainfall" -
are the results given in this case by joinby equivalet to what merge would have provided?
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