hello everyone
I am working on panel data, I want to match firms(healthy and distressed) based on +-10 percent size(log of asset) if possible or it can be +-20 percent of the size and an exact match on industry and year. I have used following code to do the matching. however, I get every distressed firm matched with a different healthy firm for each year. I want to match all years of one firm with all years of another one firm only. Is there anyway to do this? I am pasting the code which I got from a post in Statalist, and the data example
Any help would be highly appreciated.

//for single control match per case, a brief addition to the code of joinrange match:
gen long obs_no = _n
gen byte case = (distFirm50==1)

keep if case
tempfile cases
save `cases'
keep if !case
tempfile controls
save `controls'

use `cases', clear
rangejoin size -0.1 0.1 using `controls', by(Inds_Code year) suffix(_control)
drop if missing(ISIN_control)

gen double shuffle1 = runiform()
gen double shuffle2 = runiform()
by ISIN year (shuffle1 shuffle2), sort: keep if _n == 1
drop shuffle*
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str12 ISIN int(id year) byte time int Inds_Code double(size KthMJ2_residuals) byte(distFirm50 distOb)
"AT0000A0E9W5"   7 2008  1 1300  7.221807  .07621686 1 1
"AT0000A0E9W5"   7 2009  2 1300   4.87852  .03882546 1 0
"AT0000A0E9W5"   7 2012  3 1300  8.507431  .03257107 1 0
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2006  1 1100   3.99515   .0031539 1 1
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2007  2 1100  4.185205 -.09307901 1 1
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2008  3 1100  4.407938 -.04275685 1 0
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2009  4 1100  6.802865  -.0184033 1 1
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2010  5 1100  4.941442 -.00746611 1 1
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2011  6 1100  7.587871 -.07927038 1 1
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2012  7 1100  6.861562 -.07053462 1 1
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2013  8 1100  5.027473 -.05346261 1 1
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2014  9 1100  6.324653  -.1462374 1 0
"AU0000XINAK8"  12 2015 10 1100  5.348588  .03003502 1 0
"BE0003503118"  23 2006  1 3250  3.397089 -.13498304 1 1
"BE0003503118"  23 2007  2 3250  5.337533  .08512713 1 1
"BE0003503118"  23 2008  3 3250   1.88707 -.00201628 1 1
"BE0003503118"  23 2010  4 3250  4.095128 -.21970985 1 0
"BE0003503118"  23 2011  5 3250  11.09591  .01117146 1 0
"BE0003503118"  23 2012  6 3250  7.088826 -.09959354 1 1
"BE0003503118"  23 2013  7 3250  5.740436 -.00597251 1 1
"BE0003503118"  23 2014  8 3250  2.545061  .00569787 1 1
"BE0003503118"  23 2016  9 3250  3.081313  -.0668931 1 1
"BE0003503118"  23 2017 10 3250  6.166596   .0009217 1 1
"BE0003575835"  28 2012  6 2200  4.209116 -.04638176 1 0
"BE0003575835"  28 2013  7 2200  6.095674  .01369824 1 0
"BE0003575835"  28 2016  8 2200  11.35551  .08903543 1 1
"BE0003575835"  28 2017  9 2200  2.542074 -.07839124 1 1
"BE0003575835"  28 2018 10 2200  7.708375 -.02283064 1 1
"BE0003808251"  52 2011  5 4600  2.674287 -.06321903 1 0
"BE0003808251"  52 2012  6 4600  5.377932 -.02123887 1 0
"BE0003808251"  52 2014  7 4600   11.4247 -.00678408 1 1
"BE0003808251"  52 2017  8 4600  8.048951  .44692277 1 1
"BE0003836534"  62 2006  1 1300  8.659532  .06629891 1 0
"BE0003836534"  62 2007  2 1300  1.281524 -.08136644 1 0
"BE0003836534"  62 2008  3 1300  4.363391  .13494695 1 1
"BE0003836534"  62 2009  4 1300  8.038512 -.03344894 1 1
"BE0003836534"  62 2010  5 1300  6.581414  .03454497 1 1
"BE0003836534"  62 2013  6 1300  4.509716 -.00401043 1 1
"BE0003836534"  62 2014  7 1300  8.746716 -.11395335 1 1
"BE0003836534"  62 2015  8 1300  4.678876 -.08708423 1 1
"BE0003836534"  62 2017  9 1300  7.286726  .04174216 1 1
"BE0003836534"  62 2018 10 1300  8.310661 -.02614016 1 1
"BE0003842599"  66 2006  1 1300  5.347622  .03587965 1 1
"BE0003842599"  66 2008  2 1300   4.58181  .01093506 1 1
"BE0003842599"  66 2009  3 1300  5.048207  .07284538 1 0
"BE0003842599"  66 2010  4 1300  6.151794 -.41255212 1 1
"BE0003842599"  66 2012  5 1300  7.095313 -.01168723 1 1
"BE0003842599"  66 2015  6 1300  3.314949 -.04429593 1 0
"BE0003842599"  66 2016  7 1300  3.234749 -.03988214 1 0
"BE0003880979"  74 2009  1 3300  1.767634 -.08536929 1 1
"BE0003880979"  74 2010  2 3300  7.450254  .01134699 1 1
"BE0003880979"  74 2011  3 3300  5.093523  .06194886 1 1
"BE0003880979"  74 2012  4 3300   6.25308 -.08109841 1 0
"BE0003880979"  74 2014  5 3300  3.944993  -.0004153 1 0
"BE0974311434" 100 2006  1 1300  6.998039  .04681426 1 1
"BE0974311434" 100 2009  2 1300  7.041397  .13981319 1 0
"BE0974311434" 100 2010  3 1300  4.232148  .00432353 1 0
"BMG1965E1030" 112 2006  1 2300  3.993105 -.02984953 1 1
"BMG1965E1030" 112 2007  2 2300  4.947972 -.04190849 1 1
"BMG1965E1030" 112 2008  3 2300    2.6856  .10297616 1 0
"BMG1965E1030" 112 2009  4 2300  7.054832  .00032257 1 0
"BMG4209G2077" 114 2009  3 2100  4.317248  .13529109 1 0
"BMG4209G2077" 114 2010  4 2100  4.419816 -.06402538 1 0
"BMG4209G2077" 114 2012  5 2100  6.626143  .02006364 1 1
"BMG4209G2077" 114 2013  6 2100  8.537981 -.01450279 1 1
"BMG4209G2077" 114 2015  7 2100  6.892337  .03507049 1 1
"BMG4209G2077" 114 2017  8 2100  1.424072   .0632903 1 0
"BMG4209G2077" 114 2018  9 2100  5.061949  .02947732 1 0
"BMG702781094" 116 2006  1 1100  2.486738   -.004375 1 1
"BMG702781094" 116 2007  2 1100  8.527738 -.04832347 1 1
"BMG702781094" 116 2008  3 1100  3.555005  .11594357 1 0
"BMG702781094" 116 2009  4 1100  8.394121  .11413861 1 0
"BMG7300G1096" 117 2008  1 2200  4.350562 -.04569728 1 0
"BMG7300G1096" 117 2009  2 2200  4.670668  -.0125191 1 0
"BMG7300G1096" 117 2011  3 2200  5.819655  .08278646 1 1
"BMG7300G1096" 117 2012  4 2200  4.538304  .10775582 1 1
"BMG7300G1096" 117 2015  5 2200  .7645372  .24054198 1 0
"BMG7300G1096" 117 2016  6 2200  5.365429  .01595965 1 0
"CH0033050961" 131 2009  1 3300  .5959814  .25214871 1 0
"CH0033050961" 131 2015  2 3300  2.572689  .02587815 1 1
"CH0033050961" 131 2016  3 3300  7.542262 -.00043763 1 1
"CH0033050961" 131 2017  4 3300  3.875152  .13733377 1 1
"CH0033050961" 131 2018  5 3300  7.529029  -.0167142 1 1
"CH0308403085" 139 2012  1 2300  3.898995  .17339258 1 1
"CH0308403085" 139 2013  2 2300  5.806844 -.08750672 1 1
"CH0308403085" 139 2014  3 2300  2.436679  .15688426 1 1
"CH0308403085" 139 2016  4 2300  7.004542  .00505757 1 1
"CH0308403085" 139 2018  5 2300  4.484628 -.13198318 1 0
"CY0106002112" 146 2006  1 1100  9.517678  .10480292 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2007  2 1100 -1.129484 -.10615185 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2008  3 1100  7.952369  .05195113 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2009  4 1100  8.039093 -.00566787 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2010  5 1100  7.855545  .04086713 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2011  6 1100  7.104629  .06293849 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2012  7 1100  3.804371 -.13421425 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2013  8 1100   6.79205  .07629701 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2014  9 1100  5.649284 -.09918534 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2015 10 1100   6.79787 -.20053388 1 1
"CY0106002112" 146 2017 11 1100  7.775191  .05008816 1 0
"CY0106002112" 146 2018 12 1100  1.807961  .10037086 1 0