
I'm running Stata 15.1 on OSX and working with panel data. My variables were measured in different months between the years 2013-2018. I've labeled them according to the following format: 'burden_022013', where 022013 denotes February 2013 and so on and so forth. I then ran the following syntax:
reshape long burden_, i(caseid) j(date)
I receive the following output:
. reshape long burden_, i(caseid) j(time)
(note: j = 12017 12018 22013 22014 22016 22017 42017 52016 52017 72016 82017 92013 92015 102017 122014 122015)
(note: burden_12017 not found)
(note: burden_12018 not found)
(note: burden_22013 not found)
(note: burden_22014 not found)
(note: burden_22016 not found)
(note: burden_22017 not found)
(note: burden_42017 not found)
(note: burden_52016 not found)
(note: burden_52017 not found)
(note: burden_72016 not found)
(note: burden_82017 not found)
(note: burden_92013 not found)
(note: burden_92015 not found)

Data                               wide   ->   long
Number of obs.                     3929   ->   62864
Number of variables                  17   ->      16
j variable (16 values)                    ->   time
xij variables:
burden_12017 burden_12018 ... burden_122015->  burden_
I then proceed to convert the numeric date variable:
tostring date, replace
gen month = real(substr(date,1,2)) if strlen(date)==6
replace month = real(substr(date,1,1)) if strlen(date)==5
gen year = real(substr(date,3,6)) if strlen(date)==6 
replace year = real(substr(date,2,5)) if strlen(date)==5
gen yearmonth=ym(year, month)
format %tm yearmonth
When I proceeded to check whether all of the data was reshaped as expected, I noticed that only 3 years are listed:
tab year if burden_!=.

       year |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
       2014 |      1,346       33.31       33.31
       2015 |      1,236       30.59       63.90
       2017 |      1,459       36.10      100.00
      Total |      4,041      100.00
In other words, I'm missing data for 2013, 2016, and 2018. I'm not quite sure what the issue is. Can anybody tell me what's going on here?

Here are some of the data in wide format:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double caseid long(burden_022013 burden_092013) byte(burden_022016 burden_052016)
989870 . . . .
989871 2 . . .
989872 . . . .
989873 . . . .
989874 1 . 1 1
989875 2 1 1 1
989876 1 1 1 1
989877 3 3 2 2
989878 3 3 3 3
989879 . . . .
989880 2 1 1 1
989881 2 2 2 2
989882 3 3 3 3
989883 1 1 1 2
989884 3 3 3 3
989885 . . . .
989886 2 2 2 2
989887 . . . .
989888 3 2 3 2
989889 3 3 3 3
989890 3 3 . .
989891 . . . .
989892 3 3 3 2
989893 3 2 3 3
989894 2 2 . .
989895 . . . .
989896 2 . . .
989897 . 2 1 1
989898 2 1 . .
989899 3 2 . .
989900 . . . .
989901 . 2 . .
989902 . . . .
989903 3 3 3 3
989904 2 2 3 3
989905 2 3 3 3
989906 2 2 1 2
989907 3 3 3 3
989908 3 3 3 3
989909 . . . .
989910 2 1 2 3
989911 . . 2 3
989912 3 3 3 3
989913 3 3 3 3
989914 2 1 2 2
989915 . . . .
989916 . 1 1 1
989917 . . . .
989918 2 2 . .
989919 2 3 . .
989920 3 3 3 3
989921 2 2 2 2
989922 1 1 1 1
989923 3 3 3 3
989924 2 3 . .
989925 3 2 2 3
989926 . . . .
989927 1 2 2 2
989928 2 3 3 3
989929 1 1 . .
989930 3 3 3 3
989931 2 2 1 2
989932 2 2 3 3
989933 2 3 . .
989934 1 1 1 1
989935 . . . .
989936 2 2 . .
989937 3 3 3 3
989938 . . 3 3
989939 2 1 1 2
989940 1 2 1 2
989941 . . . .
989942 . . . .
989943 . . . .
989944 1 1 2 2
989945 1 2 1 1
989946 2 3 2 2
989947 2 2 2 1
989948 3 3 3 3
989949 . . . .
989950 . . . .
989951 3 3 3 3
989952 2 2 . .
989953 2 3 3 3
989954 2 2 3 2
989955 2 2 . .
989956 1 3 3 3
989957 . . . .
989958 2 3 . .
989959 3 2 . .
989960 3 3 3 3
989961 . . . .
989962 2 2 . .
989963 . . . .
989964 . 2 1 1
989965 3 3 3 3
989966 3 2 2 2
989967 . . . .
989968 2 2 2 1
989969 3 . 2 .
label values burden_022013 IMMIG7S15
label def IMMIG7S15 1 "Refused", modify
label def IMMIG7S15 2 "very concerned", modify
label def IMMIG7S15 3 "somewhat concerned", modify
label values burden_092013 IMMIG7S22
label def IMMIG7S22 1 "Refused", modify
label def IMMIG7S22 2 "very concerned", modify
label def IMMIG7S22 3 "somewhat concerned", modify
label values burden_022016 IMMIG7SS51
label def IMMIG7SS51 1 "Refused", modify
label def IMMIG7SS51 2 "very concerned", modify
label def IMMIG7SS51 3 "somewhat concerned", modify
label values burden_052016 IMMIG7SS54
label def IMMIG7SS54 1 "Refused", modify
label def IMMIG7SS54 2 "very concerned", modify
label def IMMIG7SS54 3 "somewhat concerned", modify
Thank in advance for your help!