Hello everyone,

I am doing five fixed effects regressions with five different dependent variables. To summarize my results, I want to generate a table that includes all 5 coefficients plus p-values and stars for significance. Currently, I am using this code:

eststo aa: qui xtreg patmfpc crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta   religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale  foreign, fe vce(robust)
eststo ab: qui xtreg patmfse crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta   religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale  foreign, fe vce(robust)
eststo ac: qui xtreg patmfde crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta   religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale  foreign, fe vce(robust)
eststo ad: qui xtreg imp_eco crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta   religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale  foreign, fe vce(robust)
eststo ae: qui xtreg imp_cult crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta   religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale  foreign, fe vce(robust)

esttab aa ab ac ad ae, star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)  p scalars(r2) compress label title(The effect of the share of foreigner on immigration opinion) nonumbers mtitles("More/less from poor countries" "More/less from same ethnic grp" "More/ less from diff. ethnic grp" "Immigr. improve economy" "Immigr. improve culture")
This is how the column label line looks:


My issue is, that the labels for the different columns do not fit into the form that Stata automatically gives to my table. Is there any way to make the column-label row wider, so that all my labels fit in? Or would I need to replicate the table in LaTex, in order to make it more readable?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!