I have a theoretical question regarding the estimation of Difference GMM (Arellano Bond).
I have a panel with 90 countries and 27 years and am trying to estimate a model similar to the following y=yt-1+x+z via the Difference GMM estimator. All of the regressors are treated as endogenous and I estimate them via GMM instruments. x is a regular time-varying continuous variable, while z is a dummy that barely changes over time.
In other words, z remains the same (mostly 0) for all the series for many countries. For those countries for which it changes, it changes only once going from 0 to 1 and then it remains 1 for the rest of the series. I was wondering whether with this type of variable is possible to build a valid instrument with these kinds of variables that are barely changing over time.

To be more clear, take three countries i, j and k, the structure of the variable of interest (z) looks something like this:
  • For country i, z remains 0 for all the series (77 out of 90 countries are like this)
  • For country j, z is 0 at the start of the series, it becomes 1 at time t, and remains 1 for all the subsequent time periods t+n
  • For country k, z is 0 at the start of the series, it is 0 at time t, and it becomes 1 at time t+1 remaining 1 for all the subsequent time periods
My question is whether I can build valid instruments using the difference GMM estimator with this kind of variable, or whether I should consider alternatives routes

Thanks in advance for your help