I have a dataset where the variable id is stored as a str9, although this id has only 8 characters of lenght in some registers. I have something like this (below). The id "00831782" has a lenght of 9 although it has only 8 characters and also it has been stored as a str9. I can see that there is a blank at the end of this registers so it counts them with a lenght of 9 (the are like stucked to the left in the browser). How I can remove this blank space at the final of this registers to identify the real lenght?
Im trying to merge this registers with another database but i cant because this registers have been stored as str9 and have only 8 characters while in the other database the are stored as str8.
id / length
000532048 / 9
000371958 / 9
001246584 / 9
00831782 / 9
01322658 / 9
01323954 / 9
I would really appreciate if you could help me.
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