Hello guys,

I'm new to Stata, and I wanted to do a panel logit regression on var selfemployed. The dataset I'm using is a labor panel data covering 18 waves with around 13k participants each year.

Exact command was: xtlogit selfemployed p010101 edulv p010107 selfempintention parentselfempatage14 lagunemployed2, fe collinear ,
where p010101 is gender, edulv education level acheived, selfempintention whether an individual obtained any training with intention to become self employeed, parentselfempatage14 whether an individual's parents were self-employed at his/her age of 14, lagunemployed2 whether an individual was unemployed 2 years ago.

When I tried running this regression it returned r(2000); despite the fact that dependent var was binary with values 0 & 1. However, if an individual was unemployed or not in the labor force, it was left blank.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank you so much in advance!